Thursday, September 20, 2007

Teaching With Blogs

The “Teaching with Blogs” website on wiki is a great idea. It gives teachers and students alike a platform to share opinions and discuss important and not so important ideas with people all over the world. It also shows the creativity of the instructors and the academic freedom it gives to students. Instruction in this manner can most definitely make learning fun for students. This was truly evident throughout the blogs posted by several secondary school teachers, programs, and groups from across the country.

Until I reviewed several of the blogs posted under the Safe and Responsible Bloggings, I did not even consider child safety or “blog etiquette.” Safety is a major concerns for parents when it come to their children, especially considering the issues families have face all over the world concerning child predators who utilize the Internet to carryout their sickening acts. I noticed on one link (Blogging Safety and Etiquette Contract) that the teacher had a contract that the students must abide by or loose their blogging privileges. I believe that’s a great way to help relieve some of the tensions that some parents were having concerning their children using the Internet at school. There is no sure fire way to ensure the safety of our children over the Internet. However, if there are some guidelines in place, at least, we know that some provisions have been made to minimize the likelihood of students encountering any predators online.

1 comment:

DIVA said...

Keith, I also found that the Teaching with Blogs article was very informative. There were some many ideas and examples that can be used in the classroom to enhance students' technology skills. Also, safe and responsible blogging or anything else that deals with posting on the web is a red flag for students and some adults. Just remember that internet postings may come in various forms.